Was so great Cambridge Bay. Locals are so friendly an helpful…yesterday evening, we had a Q&A sesssion at the visiting center….organized by Vicky and her team…ths ths ths…you have been so kind….after we invited Vicky, kids, friends and team on board to visit the sailboat and have a pleasant evening all together…..was lovely…..to talk with all of you…..now, leaving for Gjoa…we need to move ahead…cheeeeers guys and keep us posted, patrick

28 Responses to “Going to Gjoa Haven…”

  1. Vicki Aitaok says:

    Hey Patrick and Baloum Gwen Crew
    It was so wonderful to meet you and hear about your adventures! Thank you for your hospitality on your lovely boat. We had 23 people on there at one time…what fun! Skipper Thierry, thanks for training future “Captain Eeke” and I will continue his training at home on a daily basis so he will be ready for when in 15 years! Quanaquuttit! (Thank you all very much.) Maniilaq immanaq. (No rough ice.)
    Vicki and Family

  2. scott says:

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    thank you!!…

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  8. Wayne says:

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    tnx for info!…

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    tnx for info!!…

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  21. ben says:

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    ñýíêñ çà èíôó!…

  22. Sergio says:

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    ñïàñèáî çà èíôó….

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    good info!!…

  27. herman says:

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    tnx for info!!…

  28. Alberto says:

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    thanks for information!…

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