Archive for July, 2009

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baloum et Silent Sound Ile Herschel.jpg
Anywhere in the arctic.jpg
Ile herschel, le village.jpg
Mountain meadow bistort.JPG

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maison ancienne ile Herschel.jpg
La toundra ile Herschel.jpg

Hi there all,

What s up? As you know, we are in Tuk in Canada…waiting to step ahead…except that for the moment the ice charts are indicating the Amundsen Golf is fully covrered by ice… However, we could decide to leave later today and cruise up to where we can…wait and admire the landscape, unpredicatble Arctic Wildlife…. The weather is mild…even to hot…seriously…the locals are suprised…on my side, the moskitoes do get on my “bloody nerves” :-)…but we can all manage… Yesterday, the friendly guys from Silent Sound came in…we spent Arielle, Aline and myself the all night chating with them on their sailboat…they are great…and in a similar mode and spirit as the project Arctic Calling I am leading…. Hope you are all well….I have seen your comments, encouragements and emails…these boost me so much…to keep the Arctic tempo - cheeeerssss folks, patrick


Nous sommes arrives hier soir a Tuk a 20h00tu-7. Nous sommes a quai tout proches du Northern (magasin). Un groupe de gamins etait sur le quai, tout heureux de monter a bord pour voir le bateau. Puis nous sommes alles a terre acheter de la viande de boeuf, des legumes varies et une laitue iceberg pour le repas du soir. Le temps est vraiment chaud, avant d’arriver j’ai pris la temperature de l’eau de mer, 17.5 degres, incroyable. Ce matin nous irons voir la police montee canadienne pour les formalites d’entree. L’heure locale d’ete est tu-6. Nous avons fete notre arrivee a tuk avec deux bieres Alaskan Amber et une goutte de the du labrador marine dans de la vodka, c’est vraiment tres bon. Patrick etait parti sur la tranche, hip! A+ Thierry

We arrived yesterday evening at 20h00 utc-7 in Tuktoyaktuk. We are alongside just close to the Northern (store). A kids group where on the quay, very happy to come on board and see the ship. Then we went ashore to buy beef meat, varied vegetables and an iceberg lettuce for diner. Weather is really warm here, before arrival I mesure the sea temperature, 17.5 celcius, incredible! This morning we’ll go and see the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for entry formalities. Summer local time is utc-6. We celebrate our coming in Tuk with two Alaskan Ambers (it remains only a few on board) and a drop of labarador tea infused in vodka, so good! Patrick was on the slice, hip! Bye Thierry


Nous avons quitte Mackenzie Bay et entrons dans Kugmalitt Bay, Tuk est a une trentaine de milles devant nous. La nuit derniere nous avons eu des bancs de brume, des floes, vu quelques phoques et savez vous comment est le vent? Vous ne devinez pas? de l’E une fois de plus mais a 5 nds seulement. Hier soir la temperature de l’eau de mer etait de 8.5 degres. Ce sont les eaux chaudes du Mackenzie qui se font ressentir. La vegetation en profite, il y a un veritable micro climat dans tout le delta du fleuve. Notre position a 11:00 tu-7 est 69 47.1N 134 26.9W A+ Thierry

We left Mackenzie Bay and enter in Kugmalitt Bay, Tuktoyaktuk is at 30 milles ahead of us. Last night we got fog and floes patches, saw few seals and do you know how is the wind? You don’t guess? from East once more but only 5 knots. Yesterday night sea temperature was 8.5 celcius due to hot waters froàm Mackenzie river. Vegetation profite of this, there is a true micro climate in Mackenzie delta area. Our position at 11:00am utc-7 is 69 47.1N 134 26.9W Bye Thierry



Live from the Arctic Ocean, via satellite.

Sorry folks, Time for some Special Personal Messages :-) to:

=>Alain & Nathalie Scarzez: ehehhhhh, sorry I have a slight small issue explaining why I can’t attend your wedding, I am in the middle of the Arctic Ocean admiring a lovely orange/pinky sunset with one or two drifting peaces of ice…wishing a huge wonderful wedding…with lots of champagne, laughs & happy memories… I am there in a way :-) doing far away my spitch, dancing with you guys…olèèèè…have simply fun…at my return Alain, fisrt thing to do…our nice mountain bike circuit of 3 hours in my favourite secret garden called Forêt de Soignes….

=>Axelle Champenois: have a breathtaking birthday with kids & husband…don’t forget to dive all in your small pond…it must be less cold then here :-) Ths again for PR coordination & web follow up with Jean-Baptiste…lovely & ths to both…

=>Mum & Dad “in my hart”, Paul my nephew “pense beaucoup beaucoup à toi, bizzz à la famille”, Pélagie “miss you, big kiss”, Barron “le 2 au Choumi pour prochain plan polaire together”, Kiekeboe “mium mium”, Jean Jean “alors ça cartonne au bois avec Ishtar”, Robbys “le petit frère, j’ai du sable en sac de 60 kg”, Pinoooooo :-) “nous t’adorons hole in one”, Delphine “plein de coqueliqots ici”, Fonzarelli “Arsenal versus Standard 6-13, Mathhyyy “arrête de cracher”, Gaeeet “projet catamaran”, Jean from London “next time with me”, Erik ITS “merci mille fois”, Paco “combien de rest :-)” & Jean Louis “l’homme sage du Golden”, Javid “lucky star” & Michel , JB “un fidèle, un ami…remet hello à Pat Verm. & Bernard” , Marc L. “t’es parké où, tu checkes si mes plantes sont fine:-) au bureau “, Vincent “the clubber boy, you make me laugh”, Cousine Françoise adorée, Florina d”assistance voiture”, Vinciane A “la fan d’Arctic05″, Pierre de wanabe “l’ami du net et fidèle”, Gino “12.30 bunny:-)), “Val & Mike “alors le Portugal, la farnientè les zamours”, “Nath & Raf “coming to Brasschaat in 1 months”………fllluuuuuuuttttt, si j’oublies des personnes, cela va être la guérilla du net sur ce site :-)))….

=> to all friends I have here forgotten to mention…you, yes you…you :-)
=> to all my colleagues…what a relief not to have me on board :-)))) have fun before I come back for some “revolution” & “action”, hmmmrr, whaaatttt :-)
=> to all Arctic05 viewers & visitors of

=> to the partners giving material support to Arctic05 & myself : Kokatat, so great quality your dry suit equipment - Bridgedale, so warm your socks - ITS, your Parka has a great success here Erik - Oakley, I love your sunglasses…

=> thsssss so much to the Inuits, locals we have meet in Alaska & recently here in Canada…for their great spirit…we talk abou you so often…unforgettable souvenirs, ths.

=> to all, have a stunning summer 2009 & keep closely in touch on….you can post all your questions on the up & downs of this polar expedition under this website & I will answer as soon as I read them…(j’ai déjà répondu il y a 3 jours dans une breaking news aux questions relatives aux toilettes, aux douches :-) cela en a fait a priori rire plus d’un ….les grenouilles et Mannenken Piss de l’Arctique :-)
Cheeers, live from the Arctic Ocean - patrick

Envois today : résumé des jours précédents=>

Heading Tuk in Canada.

Writing you all after 4 hours navigation…first 2 hours (18-20 local time)=> bad visibility with fog, few sudden drifting growlers - from 20 to 22 =>clear visibility, 5 knots average, winds from North East, barometer 1020, outside temperature this evening 12,4C - water at 8,5C: incredible….lovely yellow/orange/pinky sun in descent…approaching sunset horizon in 2 hours.

Position now: 69,38,4N 137,03,4W .

We had a wonderful time in Herschel Island, Canada which is a Yukon territorial park since July 1987 & located in the Beaufort Sea.

It’s a stunning spot combining lovely Arctic flowers, whalers remains, bird life (in particular the island hosts the largest Colony of Black Guillemots in the Western Arctic, nesting in the old Anglican mission house at Simpson Point/Pauline Cove), a small bay with several huts, a friendly summer community of around 10 people, Edward a young Park Ranger which showed us the little village with an astonishing & interesting museum indicating us how whale hunting was occuring at the 19th century…

Thanks again so much Edward for this interesting visit & the passion you are showing towards the history of this Arctic Island…ths!

We meet our friends Hans, Tobias & Cameron from the sailboat Silent Sound (see who they are in my previous breaking news + pictures)…I was really pleased…these guys are great, interesting & passionned by the adventure to attempt the Northwest Passage as we do…

We did a small morning hike with Hans & Tobias…exchanging too past days wildlife souvenirs (muskoxen, polar bears…), how the sea conditions where, and other life experiences…the pick-nick was relaxing with some nice Arctic flowers sceneries…took some good shots :-)
The place is really worth a longer visit provided you love wildlife remote & relaxing action?

One would be able to observe in summer caribou, grizzly, wolves…as they cross from the mainland, muskoxen, eiders, Red-necked Phalaropes…& huge tundra flowers…

Cheeeeeeers to all & enjoy your summer holidays if you are taking any, via satellite, from the Arctic Ocean - patrick

Further pictures under - category wallpapers.

See under special educational info about this Polar adventure initiated in French & Dutch by International Polar Organisation Arctic05.

If you have questions on the up&downs of this expedition, shoot by sending me an email on my website - category encouragements or under each breaking news.


Nous avons quitte l’ile Herschel a 14h00 tu-7 ce 28 Juillet (nous sommes maintenant en tu-7). Nous devrions arriver a Tuk demain soir. Herschel est une belle ile vallonnee, nous sommes tres heureux de notre marche de ce matin. Nous sommes partis par la toundra, apres nous etre arretes pres d’un neve pour le pique-nique nous sommes revenus par la plage. Il y avait des traces dans le sable, laissees par un caribou et un ours tout au long de notre parcours retour. Beaucoup de navires hivernerent a l’ile Herschel, des navires d’expeditions et des baleiniers auquels un hiver precoce et la glace avaient ferme la route de Barrow. Plusieurs cabanes sont tres vieilles, du 19eme sciecle. Il y a un cimetiere avec les tombes de jeunes marins. Le brisqe glace Canadien Sir Wilfried Laurier nous a donne les cartes de glace et les previsions meteo. La partie E du golfe d’Amundsen et Cambridge Bay sont toujours pris par une glace de 9 a 10 dixiemes. Nous rencontrons quelques gros floes mais la mer est libre. A+ Thierry

We left Herschel island 28th 02:00pm utc-7 (we are now in local time utc-7). We’ll be normally at Tuktoyaktuk tomorrow evening. Herschel is a nice island with hills, we enjoy our hike this morning. We went first in the toundra, we stopped near a neve for picnic and came back along the beach. There was spoors of one cariboo and one bear in the sand all along. A lot of ships wintered at anchor in Herschel island, expedition ships and whalers when a precocious winter and the ice shut their way to Point Barrow. Some cabans are very old, built in 19th century. There is a cemetary with young sailors tombs. The Canadian icebreaker Sir Wilfried Laurier gave us the ice charts and weather forecast, all the east part of Amundsen gulf and Cambridge Bay are always in ice 9 to 10 tenth. We meet a few big floes drifting westward but water is free. Bye Thierry


Nous sommes arrives hier a l’ile Herschel hier a 18h45 TU-8. Nous sommes au mouillage sur la cote est dans Pauline cove (N de Thetis bay). Nous sommes alles a terre et avons rencontre deux familles inuit qui pechent et chassent ici pour l’ete. Ce matin nous irons a terre faire une balade avec un ranger. Quelqu’un nous a dit qu’il y a de tres gros loups ici, entre 75 et 80 kg, des grizzlis, boeufs musques, rennes etc Nous partons a terre maintenant A+ Thierry

We arrived at Herschel Island yesterday 27th July at 06:45pm utc-8. We are anchored on the east coast of the island in Pauline Cove (N of Thetis Bay). We went ashore and meet two inuits families, they are here for the summer time only, fishing and hunting. This morning we’ll go on the island with a ranger for a hike. One told us there are very big wolves here, between 75 and 80kg, grizzlies, musked oxes, cariboos etc We go ashore now Bye Thierry