Archive for June, 2009

Hi all,

Hope you are doing all well… Meet crew team yesterday in St Georges island Harbou… All in good shape… Aline slightly having sea sickness. Arielle is glad to meet each other as we did already a sailboat venture in Greenland 2 years ago…really a wonderful Lady taking care of everyone… Was really welcome on sailboat… exchanging views on how locals are so friendly, authentic here. Nice sleep in cabin… dreaming of shower, duvet, orange juice :-) Morning weather is bright… Karin, a local is bringing us to some breathtaking spots to observe Fur seals, seabirds….great ths Karin. Hope to have taken stunning shots!! Looking forward to hear from you folks, what s up?

All the very best where ever you are, Saturday the 13th of June - 13h09 - patrick

16.40, 12 juin 09 - Baloum Gwen est a 30 minutes de St Georges….je vais les contacter avec la radio locale marine car le port se trouve de l autre cote de lile. Je me suis ballade avec philippe, (un local qui protege les sites d otaries) les observer…tres tres interessant…et de beaux panoramas…je vous laise car je dois aller au store pour etre en contact avec lequipqge….Bizzzz a tous and take care, patrick

Hi, 10h33 here in St Georges Island - Alaska.

No internet contact where I am (yes now at the St Georges Traditional council, ths Sarah, Sally, Noemie), Baloum Gwen I presume is sailing on his way to St Georges, you should know more then myself as the info could be there under one of the web breaking news?

Foggy morning with a fresh night.

I arrived yesterday in perfect time. The weather was really unsual in both Pribilofs Island, St Paul & here: Bright, clear & so sunny. The locals were really surprised as this is totally unusually one should rather expect rain & clouds…

First, we dropped a few passagers at St Paul Island which is slightly North from St Georges. Vera, a very friendly lady was sitting next to me on the flight…we had a long chat on many different Alaskian subjects, in particular a project of bringing children here to do drawings … I like the sound of this mixing Art, Nature & Children. Yehhh, she was really curious about our expedition… how interesting this venture could be to meet new areas, sceneries & local Inuits…

I was pleased to land on St Paul first thinking of my nephew called Paul – heeee there how are you Paul, brothers & parents?

In principle, once the Baloum Gwen sailboat picks me up, we will be heading for St Paul. We will have perhaps the opportunity to see Vera & her friend  Aquilina,  a local Aleut lady. I am here in the middle of nowhere where calm, nature & winds have authority. I forgot to tell you as yesterday the weather was so fantastic, I was lucky to see many seabirds: Red-legged Kittiwake, a wonderful Red-faced Cormorant viewing the sea horizon… but no Puffins yet, strangeJ I saw 1 or 2 Northern Fur Seals too. They are everywhere it seems! Hopefully, I have a 400mm lens! More, should be arriving from during this month… I will get a permit to come discretly closer without disturbing their habitat …. I just go it now at the Council office where they have internet, a team of 3 young ladies laughing crazyyy - they are really helpful and friendly:  Sally, Shera, Neomy :-) … I have mention the site, they are just looking…then girls, you like it? So I am here, the only foreigner among a small Aleut community… the locals are really friendly…I meet a few yesterday at the store & saying hello hello once I see a new person…

Ok now, back this morning to this cliffS in front of the village to view my seabirds friends & perhaps be again lucky to sea Northern Fur Seals…

CHEERS from ST Georges, the Galapagos of the North - All the very best whereever you are - patrick

Hi folks, St Georges island is a small island part of the Pribilofs islands located in the Bering sea at the West side of Alaska. I will be myself arriving to St Georges late this afternoon…while in Europe you will all be sleeping, dreaming…or clubbing :-) I will be waiting there a few days for the sailboat Baloum Gwen which should arrive on the 13th of June 09, depending of course on the level of winds & the weather conditions… It will give me time to appreciate the wonders of the island. St Georges is a birdwatching paradise. Did you know the Pribilof Islands provide seasonal homes for approximately 2.8 million birds representing over 200 different species? Whouaahhh, I am already excited by this! I will take time to observe “Tufted Puffins (Macareux Huppé in French)” (never seen them, except in books :-) & they look so lovely, “Red-faced Cormorants (Cormorant à face rouge in French) … who knows see the fascinating “Steller’s Sea Eagle (L’aigle, le Pygargue de Steller in French) … Anywhow, be sure I will be taking plenty of pictures all over the place :-) My friends authors Paul Sterry & Andrew Cleave would love to be here, I am sure! Many chance to see curious Arctic Foxes, herds of reindeer, wildflowers carpeting the entire island & “Northern Fur Seals (Otaries de l’Alaska in French). In fact, each year hundreds of thousands of “Northern Fur Seals”* *return to their haul-outs in the Pribilof Islands to breed, give birth, and teach their pups to hunt, swim and survive in the Bering Sea.

Hope you are doing all well?

Cheers, patrick

Good morning Alaska, Yes, it’s Wednesday morning here when in Europe it’s around 18h :-)
I went for a walk yesterday in downtown …nothing really special except gift shops with plenty of Inuits & Alaska presents…I haven’t yet started my adventure I should already think about bringing back presents :-) I prefer to wait for this up North & see “hand made” local objects…

The sun was really shinning yesterday evening (still is this morning)…

Suddenly, I find myself being on a terrasse of a bar with a nice view on the ocean…The place seems to be the spot for locals…a kind of “Jeux d’hiver” of Anchorage…all the “Brussels South” guys & girls are now curious :-) just teasing some of you :-)
There, I meet a bunch of really friendly locals…explaining me what to do & where to go… Sorry, dear ladies if I imposed myself to your table to have a drink & a meal :-) … anyhow, it was a great & pleasant evening all together!

Today, breakfast, meeting perhaps these friends if they are downtown… just being at ease…in town!

Hope you are doing all well - cheers, patrick


Desole pour le retard de ce mail mais notre journee a ete bien occupee. Nous sommes arrives a Dutch Harbour a 21h15 hier soir. Nous avons fait des vivres aujourd’hui avec alaskan ship supply, entre 2 et 4 fois moins cher qu’a Sand Point suivant les produits. Tout est maintenant range a bord. Apres avoir dine nous nous sommes offert une biere dans un genre de pub, une Alaskan Amber qui est tres bonne. Ce matin apres avoir vu le capitaine de port nous avons du changer de place, nous sommes a couple d’un bateau de peche le “Wonderworker”. Sam qui navigue dessus est venu dejeuner avec nous. Tres sympa, son amie Sheila nous a conduit chez le shipschandler ensuite. Demain matin nous avons prévu d’aller sur le web a la library pour relever nos boites e-mails et transmettre les photos promises, puis de prendre une douche qui sera fort bien venue. Nous pernsons appareiller de Dutch Harbour demain en milieu d’apres-midi pour St Georges Island ou nous serons le 13 vent permettant. Il est maintenant 23h30 passees donc bonne nuit les petits Thierry

Hi there, I have just arrived to Anchorage - Alaska…what a long trip :-) - It’s Tuesday, 15.30 local time. The weather is really wonderful…it’s really hot, seriously… with some sun really burning… Who will say again I am always brown :-) This is not Ibiza but Alaska with some breathtaking moutains all around… I have the impression the wildlife here must be stunning: “wait & see”! I have spoken to several tourists aiming for Kodiac island to watch bears & to salmon fishing…

Thierry & the crew is around Dutch Harbour… they have been sailing the all night…whaouah…! I will take now the opportunity to go up to the seafront & see how Anchorage looks like - lovely greetings from Alaska, patrick


Nous etions a midi (gmt-8) par 54°19′,5N 165°38′,2W. Nous avons trouve du vent debout a l’entree d’Unimak Pass et avons du tirer des bords toute la nuit pour la franchir. Nous faisons route sur Dutch Harbour ou nous devrions etre vers 21h00 ce soir. Dutch Harbour sur l’Ile d’Unalaska est le grand port de peche au king crab de la mer de Bering.

A+ Thierry

Hi all,

Final preparations are always slightly hectic when you are a “perfectionist”…small sudden issues are coming up at the last minute which give you a certain kick :-) Bag is heavy…the weight of the medecine I am taking seems to be the kg problem…however, one needs to anticipate potential sickness of the crew for 3 months…come on let’s be positive today :-) Yesterday, I had my last mountain bike session with my friend Alain & his futur wife…In a stupid way, I felt like a kid & hurt my bloody hand…pooor boy, he will not be able to help his crew mates - no, no :-) I will miss some of the Brussels fun ambiance…on the other hand, I am going to the Arctic dream world…one thing I like very much about the Big North…it’s the sense of infinity….just find a spot at the seaside, stay calm for 1 hour (not 2 minutes guys) & watch/admire the sea horizon…whaouh, peaceful…even more at sunset with a nice Alizé breeze…have a try, you will love it. I had several friends on line sharing with me some crazy laughs about how could the journey be on the sailboat…you make me all laugh about how funny could be certain things like not washing, freezing, falling in the cold water, ….. :-) It’s part of the “game”. Tomorrow, time for action at border with gear, passport…just what I like :-) Ok lets focus on after tomorrow then - warmth regards to all & keep closely in touch - patrick


Nous marchons bien, le vent a fraichit dans la nuit. Actuellement nous avons 28 noeuds d’ENE. Nous devrions atteindre Unimak Pass dans la soiree. Une fois franchie nous serons du coté nord des Aleoutiennes. Position a 12h00 (gmt-8) 54°11,7N 162°33,4W Vf 7,9nds Rf 259°. Nous voyons beaucoup de macareux et peu de bateaux. Ces derniers devraient etre plus nombreux dans la passe qu’ils empruntent en venant de la cote W des USA et du Canada pour aller vers l’Asie en faisant l’arc de grand cercle. A+ Thierry